
Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults

We expect a high standard of behaviour and responsibility from those adults within St Mary’s who have contact with both children and vulnerable adults. We adhere very closely to the guidelines laid down by the Diocese of Oxford in their ‘Safeguarding Handbook, for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults’. Our PCC has adopted a Parish Safeguarding Policy based on the diocesan model, and a copy is available if you would like one.  The diocesan safeguarding information can be seen at

Any adult that takes on the supervision of children must have a valid and up to date Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate. So must volunteers working with adults (aged 18+) in need of support because of age, disability, illness, discrimination or at risk of abuse.

Our Safeguarding Officer is Sandra Reeves (01296 614684). The Officer ensures that the Diocese guidelines are followed and the appropriate checks and paperwork are completed.

The Officer is regularly updated by the Diocese and can access to the Safeguarding Advisor at the Oxford Diocese, for any extra advice.  

For more information please email  

To report a concern about a child or vulnerable adult related to church, contact the Rector or another member of the ministry team.

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